PEL Library: Learning by Doing

Welcome to the PEL Library Blog. Learn, read, smile...

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Dear JIS Community,
Yes, the better to see you with my dear...
You can now all follow along in my circuitous journey to teacher librarian-hood. I will use the PEL Library Blog as my learning log and my reflections in a course called Teacher Librarians as Leaders.
Leadership is about what Peter Senge calls, "learning organizations". What that must boil down to in education is that anyone who is creating more learning for students is a leader. The idea that this week JIS is implementing, Professional Learning Communities (PLC) is a move towards a learning organization where the focus in on learning and not on teaching. Within these PLC's, teachers emerge as leaders. The big picture has to include inquiry, collaboration, and reflective practice. We are over 100 teachers in the PLC workshop out of a total teaching faculty of 250. That is what I call distributed leadership. It is all very exciting. Here is a quote from the workshop today: Collective Commitments of Administrator: "IF we are to be a school with widely dispersed leadership, THEN we must create structures to promote multiple leadership opportunities and define our job, in part, as developing the leadership potential of OTHERS at our school. If you want to know more about PLC's have a look at this website:

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